Story Work Coaching

Serene illustration of a young woman walking through a snowy forest with a deer, bobcat, fox, sparrows, and owl.
Healing happens day by day.

In weekly StoryWork coaching sessions, we will engage your family of origin, trauma stories, and begin to understand where trauma is lodged in your body and how to heal.

Contact Cathy to set up a consultation to see if this path is right for you.

Sliding scale pricing is available if needed.

Leadership Coaching

Take the time you need.

Leading an organization, being a therapist, or running groups is difficult work that needs care and attunement to your own story as you tend to others.

Cathy offers coaching sessions to help you do some story work, understand where you are in your formational trajectory and gain clarity and wisdom as to your next steps in your journey toward wholeness.

Reach out today.

Sliding scale pricing is available if needed.

Sunset over a lake

Don't wait.

Reach out today.

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Allender Methodology


Redeeming Heartache

Sexual Abuse

Spiritual Warfare