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The blog is a collection of stories, reflections, and resources that explore the intersection of faith, mental health, and culture.

Able to Love, Willing to Grieve, Part Two

Able to Love, Willing to Grieve, Part Two

Cathy writes about the before and after of childbirth, reflecting on the emotional impact her newborn son has had on her heart. Here, Cathy shares about the nature of that...

Calling & Character: Prophet Archetype

Calling & Character: Prophet Archetype

Continuing a conversation about what it means to live out the character of God in the context of the kingdom of God, Dan, Cathy, and Rachael engage the archetypes of...

Complexities in Leadership, Part One

Complexities in Leadership, Part One

In this episode of the podcast, Dan is joined by Cathy Loerzel, Executive Vice President of The Allender Center, to talk about the realities and complexities of being a leader....

Complexities in Leadership, Part Two

Complexities in Leadership, Part Two

Dan and Cathy continue their conversation about the realities and complexities of being a leader. In this episode, questions about the particularities of being a woman in leadership are posed...

Calling & Character: Priest Archetype

Calling & Character: Priest Archetype

This week, Dan, Rachael, and Cathy take a deep dive into and further reflect on the archetype of priest. What is required for a priest to grow in their ability...

Calling & Character: Queen and King Archetype

Calling & Character: Queen and King Archetype

In their final conversation about archetypes within the kingdom of God, Dan, Cathy, and Rachael unpack what it means to be a widow or widower, and how one can become...

Able to Love, Willing to Grieve, Part One

Able to Love, Willing to Grieve, Part One

For the next two weeks, Cathy Loerzel, Executive Director of The Allender Center, will write about the before and after of childbirth—a difficult, life-changing process that has increased both her...

Conflict in Relationships

Conflict in Relationships

There is no doubt that we are living in a time that heightens levels of conflict and contention in our relationships. Having just finished a one-day conference on this topic,...

Connection in Relationships

Connection in Relationships

Picking up their conversation from last week, Dan and Cathy turn their attention to uncovering the roots of conflict in relationships and how we can move towards true connection.

Goodbye Old Friend

Goodbye Old Friend

In the chaos and urgency of tragedy, it is difficult to slow down and allow ourselves to grieve. As our adult self makes decisions and takes action, can we still...

How Story Work Can Heal the Heart

How Story Work Can Heal the Heart

Today we talk about Story Work from her upcoming book release with renowned psychologist Dr. Dan Allender called Redeeming Heartache: How Past Suffering Reveals Our True Calling. In my opinion,...

Redeeming Heartache

Redeeming Heartache

Does past heartache seem to dictate your present life? This week, Steve and the gang sit down with authors Dan Allender and Cathy Loerzel to discuss a new path toward...

How To Engage Your Story In A Way That Brings Healing

How To Engage Your Story In A Way That Brings Healing

Cathy Loerzel joins me to talk about how to engage your family of origin story in a way that brings healing to your brain. We examine three byproducts of trauma...

Living Centered While Acknowledging Our Painful Past

Living Centered While Acknowledging Our Painful Past

Many of us have been told, "Don't dwell in the past." But the truth about trauma is that if we don't acknowledge, name, and honor our past pain, it will...

Moving into Grief

Moving into Grief

I am in the middle of moving, over Christmas, with a one-year-old baby, and I don’t wanna. I mean, I do—it is an amazing gift to our family to be...

New Year, New You and Other Lies We Believe

New Year, New You and Other Lies We Believe

A few years ago on New Year’s Eve I sat around a room with friends and we began to talk about our hopes for the new year. As we talked,...

Processing by Active Participation: Healing the Wounded Heart, Part Two

Processing by Active Participation: Healing the Wounded Heart, Part Two

This week, Dan is joined again by Cathy Loerzel and Rachael Clinton to further discuss our Healing the Wounded Heart online course. They particularly review the benefit of a closed...

Redeeming Heartache and Trauma with Dan Allender and Cathy Loezel

Redeeming Heartache and Trauma with Dan Allender and Cathy Loezel

Have you ever found yourself asking, “Why did this happen to me?” When we listen to guests of this show, authors of bestselling books, or public speakers, one thing is...

Redeeming Heartache with Dan Allender and Cathy Loerzel

Redeeming Heartache with Dan Allender and Cathy Loerzel

This week, Karrie talks with renowned Psychologist, Dr. Dan Allender, and trauma expert, Cathy Loerzel, MA about their new co-authored book, Redeeming Heartache. This book will help you recognize what...

Redeeming Heartache: How Past Suffering Reveals Our True Calling

Redeeming Heartache: How Past Suffering Reveals Our True Calling

Cathy Loerzel and Dan Allender join me today to talk about their newly published book Redeeming Heartache: How Past Suffering Reveals Our True Calling. Cathy and Dan reflect on what...

Redeeming Heartache: Trauma is Profound, Healing is Possible

Redeeming Heartache: Trauma is Profound, Healing is Possible

Part of what it means to be human is to suffer, but there’s a way to move through it that brings joy and goodness to both you and the world...

Story Sage, Part One

Story Sage, Part One

This week on the podcast, Dan is joined by Cathy Loerzel, Executive Director, and Rachael Clinton, Assistant Director of Program Development and Admissions, to explore the art of having deep,...

Story Sage, Part Three

Story Sage, Part Three

This week on the podcast, Dan concludes his conversation with Cathy Loerzel, Executive Director, and Rachael Clinton, Assistant Director of Program Development and Admissions, about the art of meaningful conversations...

Story Sage, Part Two

Story Sage, Part Two

This week on the podcast, Dan continues his conversation with Cathy Loerzel, Executive Director, and Rachael Clinton, Assistant Director of Program Development and Admissions, continue their conversation about what it...

The Making of Redeeming Heartache

The Making of Redeeming Heartache

What goes into the creation of a book? In this special episode, we take a deep dive into the making of Dr. Dan Allender and Cathy Loerzel’s new release, Redeeming...

The Power of Community: Healing the Wounded Heart, Part One

The Power of Community: Healing the Wounded Heart, Part One

This week, Dan is joined by Cathy Loerzel and Rachael Clinton. The three discuss the importance of community in the healing process and reflect upon ways in which community has...

Training Wounded Healers, Part One

Training Wounded Healers, Part One

This week on The Allender Center Podcast, Dan launches a new series exploring the heart and vision behind our unique Training Certificate, a year-long program that guides individuals through engagement...

Training Wounded Healers, Part Three

Training Wounded Healers, Part Three

This week on The Allender Center Podcast, Dan continues the “Training Wounded Healers” series all about our signature Training Certificate, a year-long program that guides individuals through engagement with their...

Trauma and Memory in The Tale, Part One

Trauma and Memory in The Tale, Part One

This week, Dan is joined by Cathy Loerzel, Executive Vice President, for a conversation about The Tale—a beautiful, harrowing new film by Jennifer Fox about childhood sexual abuse. Cathy shares...

Trauma and Memory in The Tale, Part Two

Trauma and Memory in The Tale, Part Two

This week, Dan continues his conversation with Cathy Loerzel, Executive Vice President, about The Tale, Jennifer Fox’s powerful, devastating film that is available to stream on HBO or Amazon. Cathy...

Warfare Part 8: Curses, Agreements, and Vows

Warfare Part 8: Curses, Agreements, and Vows

I am joined by Cathy Loerzel to talk about curses, agreements, and vows—what they are, how they come to be, and where to find them in our stories. Cathy articulates...

Warfare Part 9: Soul Ties

Warfare Part 9: Soul Ties

Season 3 concludes with the final episode on Warfare. I am joined again by Cathy Loerzel to talk about soul ties—what they are and how they are formed. In the...

What Women Wish Men Knew about Women’s Sexuality

What Women Wish Men Knew about Women’s Sexuality

Dr. Dan Allender and Rachael Clinton Chen are joined by guests Cathy Loerzel, Executive VP of The Allender Center and Christy Bauman, author of Theology of the Womb, to have...

What Women Wish Women Knew about Women’s Sexuality

What Women Wish Women Knew about Women’s Sexuality

Rachael Clinton Chen leads an open and honest conversation with Cathy Loerzel and Christy Bauman about what they wish other women knew about women’s sexuality.

Which of the Six Types Are You? With Dan Allender and Cathy Loerzel

Which of the Six Types Are You? With Dan Allender and Cathy Loerzel

This is another episode we would pay you to listen to if we could. Do you approach your friendships, your work, or the pain in your life more as the...

Why Do We Need Story Work?

Why Do We Need Story Work?

Why Do We Need Story Work?

Wisdom of the Collective Mother

Wisdom of the Collective Mother

These past 18 months have been hard. Hard on a personal level, hard on a professional level, and hard on a collective level. The pandemic has disconnected so many of...

Engaging Another Person’s Story: Why It's Important and How To Do It

Engaging Another Person’s Story: Why It's Important and How To Do It

Effective story engagement is not a magical skill that some people have and some people don’t. It can be learned. Today we give a preview of some of the principles...

Calling & Character: Prophet, Priest, King

Calling & Character: Prophet, Priest, King

In this episode of the podcast, Dan and Rachael are joined by Cathy Loerzel, Executive Vice President of The Allender Center, to begin a conversation about a particular aspect of...


Allender Methodology


Redeeming Heartache

Sexual Abuse

Spiritual Warfare